Solid Copper Bullets: Real-World Results From the Field
Solid copper bullets are monolithic bullets made solely of copper or a copper alloy. As experience has shown me, they are excellent performers in the field. […]
Solid copper bullets are monolithic bullets made solely of copper or a copper alloy. As experience has shown me, they are excellent performers in the field. […]
The 8.6 Blackout is a subsonic monster that is capable of launching 300 grain bullets dead quiet. At subsonic velocities, it still packs a punch. […]
Recoil can make shooting a gun intimidating and painful. Calculating it is easy, and once understood, there are multiple ways to mitigate it. […]
Rifle sight height has a minimal effect on point of impact. All of the issues associated with high rifle scopes can be alleviated with a simple bubble level. […]
The .277 Fury has potential to be the next great hunting cartridge. Designed for short action lengths and barrels, it is a mountain hunters dream. […]
Advertised as the 300 BLK’s big brother, the 8.6 Blackout has big shoes to fill. While impressive, is it just a rip off of the 338 Federal? […]
Your bullet choice is more important than caliber. How you want it to preform pre and post impact will drive that decision. It should not be overlooked. […]
Action screw torque can be an important aspect of accuracy in a rifle.To maintain accuracy in your rifle, action screw torque needs to be taken seriously. […]
Not all ammunition is created equally. Rimfire accuracy can largely be attributed to the quality control and components used in the ammunition. […]
Your barrels twist rate is important when trying to stabilize bullets. The measurement is very simple and can be done at home with what you already have. […]