With each gun project that I get into, I end up going down many rabbit holes. Trying to learn everything possible about an individual task or piece of each project. I’d find myself on my workbench for hours with four or five books opened to different sections cross-referencing or trying to connect the dots.
I’d find the information I was looking for and that was it. Sometimes hours of research just ended with putting the books back on the shelf and moving to the next part of the project. I had to find a way to organize that information to quickly find it when it was needed. This blog is my way of holding myself accountable.
Aside from that, I truly believe that to become the best at a task or trade, you need to teach it. I learned that while going through my military instructor course, it forces you to solidify your techniques and not only know that something works but know how and why it works.
I want to create a one-stop shop for gun owners when it comes to general maintenance and care of their firearms.
I grew up with firearms my whole life and learned a lot by just being around them. I can’t imagine becoming a new gun owner today and googling “How to Clean a Gun.” I’d probably end up on some forum board where people are arguing which cleaning solution is best. I’d like to simplify all of that.
I am not the “authority” on this matter and am not trying to be. However, I do spend most of my day working on and around firearms. There are absolutely different ways of doing things, I’m going to give you ways that work for me and ways that are cost-effective for the end-user.
This has been an idea of mine for well over a year now and I am finally acting on it. If there is anything that you’d like to know more about shoot me an email and I will try to get something written up about it.
For more about me, check out my About page.

Written by: Kurt Martonik
Kurt is a Gunsmith, Reloader, Hunter, and Outdoorsman. He grew up in Elk County, Pennsylvania, where he became obsessed with the world of firearms. Following high school, Kurt enlisted in the United States Air Force as a Boom Operator, where he eventually rose to the position of Instructor. After his military service, he attended the Colorado School of Trades(CST) in Lakewood, CO for gunsmithing. Following graduation, he accepted a job at C. Sharps Arms in Montana, where he worked as a full time stockmaker and gunsmith.